MacDraw Pro, ClarisDraw, & ClarisImpact: QuickDraw Limits on Document Size

The maximum document size in MacDraw Pro, ClarisDraw and ClarisImpact is limited by QuickDraw.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Because of limits with QuickDraw (the method that MacDraw Pro, ClarisDraw and ClarisImpact use to describe objects), these applications have limits on printed document size. This maximum size is dependent on the resolution of the document.

Any single object larger than 113.77 inches printing at 300 dpi (the resolution of the LaserWriter) will print incorrectly. MacDraw Pro worked around this by limiting the document size to 100"x100".

To calculate this size, divide 2^16 (which is the largest integer range that QuickDraw can handle) by 2 to get the maximum positive value. Next, take that number and divide it by QuickDraw's resolution, 72 dpi. The resulting number should be divided by the scaling used by the application in order to print to the chosen printer.

To calculate the maximum size for a document to be printed to a LaserWriter, for example:

2^16 = 65,536 (largest integer range).
65,536 / 2 = 32,768 (maximum positive value)
32,768/72 dpi (QuickDraw resolution)= 455.11".

ClarisImpact and ClarisDraw would then scale the the object by 4 to print at 300 dpi.

455.11" / 4 = 113.77".

This 113.77" x 113.77" is therefore the maximum size for ClarisImpact and ClarisDraw.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012