ClarisImpact: Moving Files With Custom Styles

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Using ClarisImpact software, there are instances when you may want to create your own styles for use in charts. For example, the symbols in a flowchart may not be exactly what you need. To get the desired style you choose the closest style to what you want, click the Edit button at the bottom of the styles palette, and edit it. This is a great way to customize your charts. You can get very creative with the styles that you create yourself, and may even create a whole new style of your own that contains items that you have designed.

You can encounter difficulties when taking a file created with these customized styles to other computers, however. Whenever you move a file to another system that is using its own installation of ClarisImpact, it is important to take the style file from the computer the file was created on to the new computer. This applies to computers on the same platform as well as cross platform.

The styles are located in their respective folders. For the custom flow chart styles example, look under the following folders:


Claris Impact:CIStyles:Flochart

If you edit the items used in the ANSI symbols, you must copy the ANSI file from this folder along with your ClarisImpact file and take it to the same location on the hard disk of the destination computer. The files carry over to other platforms just as easily. When both the ClarisImpact style and document files are copied to the proper folder or directory in the destination computer, the document can be used with the custom style information.

Note: Because of differences in naming conventions between the Macintosh and Windows operating systems, it is best to keep your style name to no more than eight characters.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012