Data Charts Update Incorrectly Using DataDraw When Importing Long Values as Column Headings

DataDraw adds an extra column to the data table when updating a data chart that uses a long value from the last field in the first record of the text file as a column heading.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

In ClarisImpact 2.0, DataDraw will update a data chart incorrectly under certain circumstances. When you have a text file where the first record is imported as column headings and the value in the last field in that record has a long name, DataDraw will add an extra column to the data table linked to the data chart when it updates that graphic.

Although this extra table column does not show on the screen, it is used for charting. This can produce unexpected results. In a bar chart, an extra category will appear in the legend. In a pie chart, the size of the pie will change to accommodate the second pie that DataDraw expects to create from the additional column of data.

The work around is to shorten the value that causes DataDraw to add the extra column. For example, if you export a Merge formatted text file from FileMaker Pro, the first line could look something like this:


In this case, these are the field names from FileMaker Pro (with an underscore substituted for a space). Changing the name of the second field from "Product Count" to "Count" in FileMaker Pro and exporting the data again will eliminate the problems when the graphic is updated.

Note that when the chart is initially created, you will see no evidence of this issue. It will appear only after the graphic has been updated.

The ClarisImpact Development Team is aware of this issue.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012