ClarisWorks: Footer Only on Page One in Stationery File

How to work around the limitation of no built-in ability to have a title footer

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

ClarisWorks does not have a built-in command to create a title footer (a footer that only appears on the first page of a multi paged document). Although you can insert a section break at the end of the first page, this is not helpful when creating a stationery or template file. If you create a blank file with a section break, then type into the document, the section break gets pushed down the document as you type.

The workaround described below involves typing what you want to have appear at the bottom of the first page as a text object, placing the object at the bottom of the first page, then using the Text Wrap feature to wrap the document text around the text object.

Here are the steps:
1) Select Show Tools from the View menu
2) Click on the text tool (A)
3) Option+Drag (Macintosh) / Ctrl+Drag (Windows) a rectangle into your document. This creates a text object.
4) Type or Paste in the text you wish to have appear at the bottom of the first page.
The text will be pasted as a separate object on top of the main document frame.
5) Press Enter on the numeric keypad. You'll see the selection / resize handles in the corners of the text object.
6) Drag the object to the bottom of the first page.
7) Drag out the selection handles to the left and right sides of the page guides.
8) With the text object selected, choose Text Wrap from the Options menu and set text wrap to Regular Wrap.
9) Choose Lock from the Arrange menu.
10) Choose Save As... Stationery file from the File menu

The text you type into the document will wrap around the text object.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012