Fonts Make It Possible to Create the Appearance of Rotated Fields

Two fonts, TomatoRolledLeft and TomatoRolledRight, make it possible to imitate a rotated field in FileMaker Pro and ClarisWorks.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Although it is not possible to rotate a database field in FileMaker Pro or ClarisWorks, there is a font available called TomatoRolledLeft and TomatoRolledRight that will often produce acceptable results. The characters in these fonts are rotated (left or right as indicated by the name). To use these fonts, enter returns between each character. It is also possible to use a calculation to enter returns between each letter in a field. The following calculation will add returns between the first 5 characters in a field. The calculation can be expanded to handle longer values.


Both fonts are available in the Software Library areas of online services, or on the Internet via the ftp archives.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012