Unable to Open your ClarisImpact 2.0v1 File?

Upon attempting to open the file, the alert, "Not enough memory to complete this operation" appears and the file cannot be opened regardless of how much memory you've allotted to ClarisImpact.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

There is a "known" problem with ClarisImpact 2.0v1 for the Macintosh computer that can result in file corruption. The corruption is usually to such degree that the file can no longer be opened or used in any way. Upon attempting to open the file, the alert, "Not enough memory to complete this operation" appears and the file cannot be opened regardless of how much memory you've allocated to ClarisImpact.

This problem was addressed by Claris Engineering and released in ClarisImpact 2.0v2.

Once you've updated to version 2.0v2 and save your files created in v1 again, things will be okay , however, if a file opens in 2.0v2 but crashes frequently, copying and pasting to a fresh 2.0v2 document is recommended.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012