Functions Not to Use in the Match Command

Functions that cannot or should not be used in a Match command formula

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

The following commands have no meaning when used in the Match Command.
CHOOSE(index, value)
HLOOKUP(lookup-value, compare-range, index, {method})
INDEX(range, row, column)
LOOKUP(lookup-value, compare-range, index, {method})
MATCH(lookup-value, compare-range, {type})
REPLACE(old text,start num,num chars,new text)
REPT(text,# of times)
VLOOKUP(lookup-value, compare-range, result-range, {method})

Although many of the business and financial functions can be used in the Match command they may not yield the desired result if used incorrectly. The result must be evaluated to a single value and the function can not use a range of values in any of the variables. Any variable expected as a single value may be entered in the Match formula as a referenced field. Since when using these functions the end result is a single value it is probably better to use the function in a calculation field and match for the result rather than using the function in the Match command.

For example, in the function Present-Value -- PV(interest rate per period, number of periods, payment to be made each period, {future value, type}) -- the value in each variable is a single entry therefore this function could be used in a Match formula.
The function Net-Present-Value -- NPV(interest-rate, payment1, payment2,.payment3,...) -- uses a range of payments that would not work if referenced as a single field. [example: NPV(10, Payment)] But, if each payment is referenced as an individual field then the formula would evaluate each record and could be used.[example: NPV(10, payment1, payment2, payment3)].
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012