Some Macintosh ClarisWorks 4.0 customers get an electronic version of the documentation. The electronic docs consist of a data file and an application. The application is called "E-Doc 1.0.20", which is by Modern Age Books. The data file is called "ClarisWorks 4.0 User's Guide".
Electronic User Guides in Modern Age Book format are also available for FileMaker Pro 3.0, ClarisDraw, ClarisImpact 2.0 and Organizer 1.0.
Troubleshooting is the same as with any other application. If you double-click on the User Guide file and get an "application can't be found" alert, try drop-launching the User Guide onto the E-Doc application. Rebuild the desktop to solve this problem permanently.
If you can't find the E-Doc application, try using Find File to locate it. If you can't find it with Find File, the application has been deleted, and needs to be replaced.
E-Doc Read Me
Notes on using the E-Doc Application
Memory Allocation
If you have a large size color monitor, you may want to increase the memory allocated to the E-Doc application after it has been installed.
The standard memory configuration is for 2,500K. This should be fine for any system with a standard size monitor (640 x 480). If your monitor is larger and you want to view a book at the full size of your screen, you should allocate more memory for E-Doc.
To increase the memory available to E-Doc, select E-Doc in the finder and select Get Info (Command-I) from the File menu. To Increase the memory, type a larger value into the Preferred size field.
The default setting will be 2500, so try putting in a value of 3000.
Defining a User
Before Bookmarks or Annotations can be added to a book, you must first define a User.
Both Bookmarks and Annotations are stored separately for each defined user. This way more than one person can read the book and create bookmarks and annotations for themselves.
After Dark Screen Saver
Problems have been encountered when running some versions of the screen saver, After Dark, with E-Doc. If you experience any problems, turn off After Dark before using E-Doc.
E-Doc Help File
This Help file covers the electronic book commands and options.
Note: Before creating annotations and bookmarks, please define a user first from the User Menu. Annotations and Bookmarks are kept separately for each user.
Paper Clip - Used to add annotations to an electronic book.
To Use: Click on the Paper Clip and drag the pointer onto the paragraph in the text that you would like to be annotated. A dialog box will appear and text can be entered for this annotation. When done, click OK and a Paper Clip Icon will now appear in the text. Click on the icon to bring up the dialog box again and view the annotation text.
Yellow Stickies - Used to add bookmarks to an electronic book. To Use: Click on the Yellow Sticky and a dialog will appear with the suggested title for the bookmark. The text can be changed, if desired. After clicking OK to save the bookmark, a yellow tab at the top of the book will appear representing the bookmark. Click on the tab to bring you back to that position in the electronic book.
Browse Arrows - Used to move forward or backward one chapter in the electronic book. To Use: Click on the right arrow to go forward one chapter. Click on the left arrow to go backward one chapter.
Contents - Displays the book table of contents.
Index - Displays the Index Window.
To Use: Click on the button to bring up the window. The window can be repositioned. Select an index entry and click the Goto button to move to that location within the book.
Back - Returns to the last known position within the book.
History - Displays the History Window.
To Use: Click on the button to bring up the window. The window can be repositioned. Select an entry in the list and click the Goto button to move to that location in the book.
Search - Displays the Search Window.
To Use: Click on the button to bring up the window. The window can be repositioned. Type a search string into the field next to the Search Button. When done, click the Search button or hit the return or enter key to begin the search. Matching entries will be displayed in the list. Double Clicking on any entry will expand the items list for that entry. The Previous / Next buttons at the bottom of the screen will bring you from entry to entry within the text of the book. The Rev / Fwd buttons move one complete section at a time, ignoring the individual entries in the search window. The View button expands or contracts the search window to allow more room for viewing the book while browsing the search results. The Options button brings up a dialog that allows the search to be restricted to just one chapter within the book. The Exit button closes the search window.
Font Scale Slider - Used to adjust the display size of the electronic book. The scale can be set from 50% to 150%. Double Clicking the percentage (starts at 100%) will reset the scale to 100%. To Use: Click and drag the font scale knob and move left to reduce the scale. Move right to increase the scale.
File Menu
Open - Opens an Electronic Book.
Close - Closes an Electronic Book.
Page Setup - Defines the page setup for a print.
Print - Prints selected chapters from the electronic book.
Quit - Exits the application.
Edit Menu
Copy - Places the displayed text onto the clipboard.
Annotate - Brings up the annotation dialog box.
Goto Menu
Menu items vary with each electronic book. Each Item brings you to a specific area of the book.
User Menu
Define - Brings up the define user dialog box.
User List - The remaining menu items are Users that are already defined for this book. Choosing a user from the list makes that user active.
Bookmark Menu
Define - Brings up the define bookmark dialog box.
Bookmark List - The remaining menu items are bookmarks that have been defined for this book by the current user. Choosing a bookmark from this list will bring you to that location in the book.
Each electronic book will have a unique set of tabs located on the right side of the book window. Clicking on a tab will bring you to a specific location in the book. Usually this will be the beginning of a chapter.
Leaving the cursor over a tab for a few seconds will bring up a description of where the tab will bring you within the book.
(c)1995 Modern Age Books