To avoid showing zero as a calculation result, it is necessary to include a test for zero within the calculation.
For example, let's say we have two numbers we want to multiply. If the result is zero, we want nothing to be printed, however, if the result is anything other than zero, we want to see that value.
In a ClarisWorks spreadsheet, the calculation would appear as:
If the value in A5 multiplied by the value in B5 equals zero, print nothing (""), otherwise, print the result of A5 * B5.
In a Clarisworks database, this same formula would appear as:
IF('Number Field A'*'Number Field B'=0,"",'Number Field A'*'Number Field B')
If the value in Number Field A multiplied by the value in Number Field B equals zero, print nothing, otherwise, print the result of Number Field A * Number Field B.