This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Select Device Manager tab
Double-click Ports (COM & LPT)
Double-click LPT
Select Resources tab
De-select Automatic Settings
Change Basic Configuration, find the configuration that meets the following conditions.
The settings need to be set for:
Input/Output Range 0378-037?
Input/Output Range 0778-077?
Interrupt Request 07
Select OK
Shut down Windows 95 and Reboot.
3. [K is printed at top of page and the rest of the page is correct.
Right click on My Computer
Select Properties
Select Device Manager tab
Double-click Ports (COM & LPT)
Double-click LPT
Select Driver tab
Look at the File Revision line, LPT.VXD v4.00.950. You will need to replace LPT.VXD v4.00.950 with LPT.VXD v4.00.503. The LPT.VXD file is
located in the Windows\\System directory.
Confirm that your CMOS (BIOS) settings are set to Standard Bidirectional
[Note: CMOS configurations can vary from model to model. Please check your owners manual or contact your computer manufacturer for details.]
4. Incorrect Port Configuration on Toshiba Laptops:
From Windows 95 click on Start
Go to Programs
Select Toshiba Utilities
You will have either the TSETUP or HARDWARE SETUP utility
Reboot your system
Under Parallel Port select Standard Bidirectional
Reboot your system
Select Hardware Options
Select Parallel/Printer
Select Standard Bidirectional
Click OK
The machine will ask if you want to reboot. Select Yes.
Reboot your system.