ClarisWorks provides shortcuts for setting text to upper case or lower case, but not to proper case (also known as "title" case or "word capped.") A macro can be created to perform this conversion and the macro can be added to the shortcuts palette. Here are the steps:
Step Keystroke comment
1. Command-shift-j begin recording macro
2. Proper case enter name of macro
3. <enter key>
4. Command-c copy
5. <left arrow key>
6. Command-f find
7. Command-v paste
8. Command-w close find window
9. Command-n new document
10. s spreadsheet
11. <enter key> create
12. Command-v paste
13. <tab key> go to cell a2
14. =proper(a1) enter formula
15. <enter key> terminate editing and stay in cell
16. Command-c copy
17. Command-w close spreadsheet window
18. Command-d don't save*
19. Command-f find
20. <tab key> go to change field
21. Command-v paste
22. <enter key> perform find
23. <Change button> click the change button
24. Command-w close find window
25. Command-shift-j end recording macro
*Step 18 is Command-d for ClarisWorks 4.0, and Command-n for 3.0.
It's convoluted, but it works. Try it. Select a word or phrase and use the new Proper case shortcut.