Adding Music to your Documents

The following article will briefly explain how to add MIDI music to your QuickTime movies.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

While you are collecting clip-art graphics and QuickTime movies for your slide shows, you can add music files for your shows as well. You can use MIDI type music files then convert the MIDI files into QuickTime "movies".

The following steps will convert your MIDI music files to QuickTime format.

1. Launch SimpleText, choose "Open" from the File Menu, navigate to the MIDI file you want to use in your slide show, and click on "Convert".

2. Click on the Options Button to listen to the song or to change musical instruments

3. Click on "OK" and then "Save"

SimpleText will add the word "Movie" to the file name automatically and will display a Control Panel figure which offers Play, Rewind, and Fast Forward Buttons.

QuickTime is a feature of system 7.5. If you do not have system 7.5 or later, QuickTime can be purchased. To check if you have QuickTime installed, open the Extensions folder inside your System folder and look for the QuickTime extension.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012