Illegal Operation Error in Module COMCTL32.DLL when Switching into Edit Page Mode from Preview Page Mode

Here's what to do when you receive this error message: "an illegal operation error has occurred with an invalid page fault in module COMCTL32.DLL."

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

If you receive this error message "an illegal operation error has occurred with an invalid page fault in module COMCTL32.DLL.", when switching to Edit Page mode from either Edit HTML Source or Preview Page mode in Claris Home Page, it is usually the result of an incompatibility with the video driver that is installed in your Windows 95 machine. Sometimes, however, the issue may be with an incompatible printer driver instead.

In either case, you need to install a more compatible video or printer driver from the Windows 95 CD or diskettes that came with your system.

To install a video driver:
1] select the Start menu
2] choose Settings and then Control Panel
3] double click on the Display icon
4] click on the tab that is labeled settings
5] click on change display type and select change under adaptor type
6] click on the radio button that reads show all devices

To install a print driver:
1] select the Start menu
2] choose Settings and then Printers

3] if you have more then one printer listed, you need to remove them all by
highlighting each of them individually and selecting Delete from the File menu
4] double click on the Add Printer icon and follow the prompts when you click Next

Note: It is recommended that before installing or reinstalling a printer or video driver in your system, you know the manufacturer of your video card and printer. This will make installing the different driver easier because Windows 95 has drivers listed for just about every company manufacturer.

This article can be used for troubleshooting any error message that refers to the COMCTL32.DLL file.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012