A/UX: System 5 Interface Definition (SVID) Compliance

I want to know what our level of SVID compliance is. Can you help?

This is the response from A/UX Engineering Management regarding the A/UX SVID compliance:

SVID - System Five Interface Definition is a two-volume book that describes the user and program interface to AT&T System V UNIX.  It is published by AT&T and available for a nominal charge.  SVVS, System Five Verification Suite, is a lengthy test program from AT&T that one MUST pass, WITHOUT modifications to claim SVID compliance.

A/UX passes SVVS V.2 and always has.  The V.2 designation means that it is the verification suite for UNIX release V.2 from AT&T.  There is also SVVS V.3, which verifies UNIX V.3 compliance, and there will be a V.4 verification suite available from AT&T shortly.

Now, to make matters a little more complex, there are also optional kernel extensions in the SVID.  They are optional, not mandatory.  However, if implemented, you pass the optional tests in SVVS to claim compliance.  All releases of A/UX 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 2.0, and 3.0 pass these optional kernel extensions as well.

So the bottom line is that A/UX 3.0 is SVID V.2 compliant with the optional

kernel extensions.

There are different editions of the SVID associated with the different releases of AT&T System V:

SVID                            System V
----                            --------
Issue 2, Volumes 1 and 2        Release 2
Issue 2, Volumes 1 through 3    Release 3
Issue 3                         Release 4

Our current version of A/UX conforms to SVID Issue 2, Volumes 1 and 2.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012