New Look And Feel
- Buttons and Button Bars
- Redesigned Text Ruler
- Easily accessible functions in spreadsheet
- Context-sensitive Help using ?
Enhanced Functionality
- Bookmark, Document, and URL links
- Default font easy to set
- Equation Editor
- Password Protected documents
- New Textures palette
- Named Ranges in spreadsheets
- Organize Libraries into Folders
- Apply multiple styles
- Multimedia field in database
- Larger text fields in database (~1000 characters, up from 510)
- Page breaks before and after Parts in database
- New Assistants / Improved Assistants
- New Stationery (templates) / Improved Stationery (templates)
- More clip art
Improved File Compatibility
- Improved HTML translator
- Updated File Translators
Internet Savvy Features
- Start Browser from ClarisWorks
- URL links within ClarisWorks
- Custom buttons for your favorite Web Pages
- Make Web pages
- - save as HTML
- - web page templates
- One button to go to Claris technical support web page
- Interactive documents using links