The Text Ruler
The text ruler has been streamlined to make it easier to set up tabs and margins. When you move tabs or margins, page guides allow you to align text precisely.
The Paste Function Dialog
In a spreadsheet, clicking the Paste Function button will bring up a dialog showing all functions, organized by category that you can paste into your spreadsheet. This feature makes memorizing the syntax of a function unnecessary.
ClarisWorks can now read documents created in Microsoft Word and Excel, WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3, and other applications. You can even save files in these formats as well.
ClarisWorks includes many new stationery files. To see the new stationery files, choose New from the File menu, click the button "Use Assistant or Stationery" and choose "About Stationery" from the pull down menu. Additionally, there are new clip art libraries. Choose "Library" from the File menu to display a menu containing all libraries in the application.
The Internet
Take advantage of the Internet by starting your browser or email application from ClarisWorks, linking a ClarisWorks document to a Web page, creating custom buttons for your favorite Web pages, making your own Web page, or linking documents together.
II. Usability and Design Changes in Version 5.0
In ClarisWorks 4.0, applying a style to text (for example) then applying another style would "compound" (overlap) the two styles. In ClarisWorks 5.0, you can compound styles or not. By default, compounding styles is turned off. Refer to the Help system using the keyword "Compound Styles command" for more information.
The Texture palette is new in ClarisWorks 5.0. You can edit textures as well as patterns and save your customized palettes. For more information, use the keyword "textures" or "palettes" in onscreen Help.
Access To the Help System from within any Dialog
In ClarisWorks 5.0, you can access onscreen Help from any dialog box. This is helpful if you are using a feature and have a question about the functionality. Click on the Help button (a question mark in the lower left corner of the dialog box) to display a Help topic that is applicable to the current dialog box.
Apple Guide Support
The Macintosh version of ClarisWorks 5.0 offers the item "Frequently Asked Questions" under the Help or ? menu. For example, if you've always wondered how to create mailing labels, the "Frequently Asked Questions" feature can help you.
III. Technical Notes and Tips
Using Documents Created in ClarisWorks 2.0, 2.1, 3.0 and 4.0
ClarisWorks 5.0 has a different file format than ClarisWorks 2.0, 2.1, 3.0 (which all used the same file format) and ClarisWorks 4.0.
When you open ClarisWorks version 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, and 4.0 files in ClarisWorks 5.0, you will see the message "This document was created by a previous version of ClarisWorks. A copy will be opened and '[v5.0]' will be added to the filename."
To replace your ClarisWorks 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, or 4.0 files with ClarisWorks 5.0 versions, choose Save or Save As from the File menu, remove [v5.0] from the file name, and click Replace when ClarisWorks asks if you want to replace the existing file. If you are converting a number of files to the 5.0 file format, you can turn off the warning and the [v5.0] filename suffix by choosing Preferences from the Edit menu and deselecting "Old Version Alert" and "[v5.0] Suffix".
Note: Macros and shortcut buttons created in ClarisWorks 3.0 and 4.0 documents are not supported in ClarisWorks 5.0 and will need to be recreated.
Installing and Using the ClarisWorks File Converter
The "ClarisWorks File Converter" formats version 4.0 files so they can be opened by 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0 versions of ClarisWorks. To install the ClarisWorks File Converter application, you must run the file "Install ClarisWorks" in the ClarisWorks Office Software folder on the CD, choose Custom Install from the popup menu and select the "ClarisWorks 4.0 to 2.0/3.0 File Converter" option from the list under File Translators.
To share ClarisWorks 5.0 files with users of versions 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0, you first save the ClarisWorks 5.0 files in 4.0 format by choosing Save As from the File menu and selecting ClarisWorks 4.0 from Save As Type list. Then you use the separate ClarisWorks 4 to 3 Converter application to convert the 4.0 documents so they can be used with these versions.
For more on using the File Converter, see the document "Read Me - CW File Converter" that is installed with the File Converter.
Using ClarisWorks 4.0 and 5.0 on the Same Macintosh
Some users may want to keep both versions 4.0 and 5.0 on their Macintosh. (You might choose to do this if others in your organization have older versions of ClarisWorks.) Keep in mind that all versions of ClarisWorks use the same "Creator", so older versions of ClarisWorks and the ClarisWorks documents created by them will have the same desktop icons as version 5.0.
Sharing Files with ClarisWorks 5.0 for Windows
ClarisWorks 5.0 for Macintosh has the same file format, user interface, and features as ClarisWorks 5.0 for Windows. ClarisWorks 5.0 for Macintosh also opens files created in ClarisWorks for Windows versions 1.0, 3.0, and 4.0 and converts the files to version 5.0 format. You can create a ClarisWorks document on Windows and edit it on a Macintosh computer or vice versa. Consequently, if you work with both Macintosh and Windows versions of ClarisWorks, or if you collaborate with colleagues who use ClarisWorks 5.0 for Windows, you can work without translating files or learning a different program.
Due to differences between Windows 95/NT and Macintosh platforms, you must use a file transfer program such as PC Exchange, AccessPC, or a similar utility to transfer files via floppy disk. Most Macintosh computers come with PC Exchange installed as part of the operating system. Follow the directions in the documentation for the file transfer utility program. Before copying the files to or from a PC-formatted diskette, rename the ClarisWorks files with DOS-Compatible filenames (8 characters or less, no space or punctuation marks) and be sure to include the .CWK extension. (.CWS for stationery files)
After copying your files to a PC-formatted floppy diskette, you can copy them to your PC's hard drive and open them as you would any ClarisWorks document.
Fonts, margins, page breaks, and graphics may look different after they are transferred from the Macintosh. You can minimize unintended font changes by using TrueType fonts on both platforms. Helvetica on the Macintosh converts well to Arial on Windows, and Times converts well to Times New Roman. To restore the original page breaks, you may need to change the margins and page breaks.
Some macros created on the Macintosh may not run as expected on Windows. In these cases, you'll need to recreate those macros.
Equations created with the Equation Editor become picture objects when transferred to Windows 95/NT. You will need to recreate the equation should you wish to edit it.
Textures will also appear altered when moving from one platform to another. Default textures are replaced by the texture in the same location in the palette on the other platform. Custom textures will come across, but will be altered to meet the size conventions on each platform. Macintosh textures can be as large as 64 x 64 pixels; Windows textures are limited to 8 x 8 pixels. Textures will be enlarged or shrunk as appropriate to fit in the texture palette.
Editing Documents Created with the ClarisWorks Assistants
Some documents created using the ClarisWorks Assistants or provided as Stationery files contain objects that are locked or grouped. (Locking and grouping keeps text and graphics objects in position and prevents accidental edits.)
To unlock and ungroup objects so you can move or edit them:
1. Click the Arrow tool and then select the object.
2. Choose Unlock or Ungroup from the Arrange menu. If an object is both locked and grouped, first unlock it and then ungroup it.
To edit a text object, click the Text tool and then click the text you want to edit.
Adjusting ClarisWorks Memory
In most cases, the preset memory allocation is adequate for working on ClarisWorks documents. However, if you are working with large Paint documents, very long documents, or if you have several large documents open at the same time, you may see the message "Not enough memory to complete this operation" or "The document has been reduced to fit the available memory." These messages mean that you need to increase the amount of memory set aside for ClarisWorks. Increasing the memory allocation may also reduce the time it takes to print some documents.
To increase the memory allocation for ClarisWorks:
1. If ClarisWorks is open, quit the application.
2. Open the folder that contains the ClarisWorks 5.0 application.
3. Click the ClarisWorks application once. (If you click the icon twice, you'll start ClarisWorks. If that happens, choose Quit from the File menu and try again.)
4. Choose Get Info from the File menu.
5. Double-click the Preferred Size box.
6. Type a larger number to increase the memory size.
7. Close the ClarisWorks Info window.
Running the Introduction to ClarisWorks tour
The Introduction to ClarisWorks tour requires a 640x480 monitor or larger, and prefers 256 colors and 4096k of memory. The tour will run at higher color settings and with as little as 2048k of memory, but you may experience color problems or the sound may not work.
If you experience color problems, change the number of colors to 256 using the Monitors control panel.
If you experience memory problems and are running the Introduction to ClarisWorks application and ClarisWorks application at the same time, quit ClarisWorks and double-click the "Introduction to ClarisWorks" file (in the ClarisWorks 5.0 Folder).
Using the Sample AppleScript scripts
Version 5.0 includes four sample AppleScript scripts that illustrate the use of AppleScript to automate ClarisWorks functions. The four AppleScript scripts are located in the ClarisWorks Scripts folder in the ClarisWorks 5.0 folder:
1. Convert Documents converts multiple non-ClarisWorks files, or files created in earlier versions of ClarisWorks, to ClarisWorks 5.0 format.
2. Print Documents prints multiple ClarisWorks documents.
3. Mail Merge merges FileMaker Pro 3.0 database data into ClarisWorks documents.
4. Remote Slide Show runs ClarisWorks slide shows from a remote Macintosh.
For more information on these scripts, consult the "About the AppleScripts" document stored in the ClarisWorks Scripts folder. For more information on the AppleEvents supported by ClarisWorks 5.0, consult the ClarisWorks AppleEvents List document in the ClarisWorks Scripts folder. (The document assumes familiarity with AppleEvents and AppleScript.)
Note: AppleScript is provided with System 7 Pro and System 7.5. If you're using System 7.0 and 7.1, AppleScript is available from Apple Computer, Inc. The Mail Merge and Remote Slide Show scripts require AppleScript version 1.1.
ClarisWorks Required Internet Config Settings
ClarisWorks 5.0 takes advantage of Internet Config 1.3 (installed with the ClarisWorks 5.0 installer) to open Web browsers and electronic mail (email) applications. We have preset the "Helper" settings defined in Internet Config to use Netscape Navigator as your browser and Claris Emailer software as your email application. If you want to use different Helper applications for Web browsing or email or have previously installed and defined Internet Config settings, you'll need to do the following:
1) Double-click the Internet Config alias icon located in the Internet Config 1.3 folder in the ClarisWorks 5.0 folder (or click the Internet Config button in the ClarisWorks 5.0 Internet button bar).
2) Click the "Helpers" button.
3) Modify (or add as needed) the following entries:
file - <browser application of choice>
http - <browser application of choice>
https - <browser application of choice>
mailto - <email application of choice>
4) Close the "Helpers" window by clicking the close box.
5) Choose Save from the File menu.
6) Quit Internet Config and restart your computer.
For more information refer to the user documentation.html file located in the Internet Config 1.3 folder in the ClarisWorks 5.0 folder on your hard drive.
MacLinkPlus for ClarisWorks
The MacLinkPlus for ClarisWorks files are not compatible with Macintosh 840AV and 660AV computers when running system software 7.1.2 or earlier. The ClarisWorks Easy and Custom installer options prevent these components from being installed on these systems. If you have either of these systems, and would like to take advantage of the MacLinkPlus translators provided with ClarisWorks, you'll need to upgrade your system software to version 7.5 or newer before installing ClarisWorks 5.0.
ClarisWorks installs the 68K versions of all the MacLinkPlus for ClarisWorks files and filters on PowerPC as well as 68K computers. There is a known problem resulting from PowerPC versions of MacLinkPlus for Easy Open and Mac OS Easy Open that could cause ClarisWorks to experience difficulties when it is first launched. We have worked around this problem by providing the 68K files.
When opening files using any of the MacLinkPlus or XTND supported file filters, we suggest that you specifically select the "Document Type" and "File Type" to be used in the Open Dialog. Many applications use the same file types for multiple versions of their documents. Attempting to open these documents without specifically selecting the document and file type may cause the application to use a translator for an earlier version and fail to translate the document. If this happens, you'll see the message "Cannot convert to specified document type".
ClarisWorks contains portions of the file translation library of MacLinkPlus, a product of DataViz, Inc.
Claris and the ClarisWorks team thank you for your purchase of ClarisWorks 5.0. Your support, comments, and suggestions help us to continue to bring you better solutions for your future productivity needs.
Mention of third party products and companies is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.