Keypad Graphics from Menu Bar Fail to Display for VT102 Mode

The VT102 Keypad graphics fail to display while in a communications document

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

The Keypad graphics, normally displayed as a submenu, fail to display under OS8 in the communications environment. The VT102 tool present (under the Info submenu) is 1.0.2.

Currently we are unsure what is actually causing this problem, but it is being investigated.

A successful workaround is to do the following:
-Under the Connect Menu, select Terminal
-Choose the TTY tool
-Close the dialog box
-Repeat the above process but choose the VT102 tool.

The Keypad graphics will now function properly.

This problem does not affect the operation of the keyboard keypad. It functions properly without the workaround. It has only been tested and verified in ClarisWorks 5.0 under OS8. It has not been tested as yet with other versions of ClarisWorks or System 7.x. This workaround must be implemented each time a communications document is created or opened.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012