DOS 3.3: Disk Layout

This article discusses the layout of the DOS 3.3 diskette.
DOS reserves the first three tracks (0,1,2) of every disk for the boot image of itself, while track 17 ($11) is reserved for the directory and VTOC. Tracks 1 and 2 can be freed by modifying the bit map in the VTOC; however, the disk won't be able to boot properly.

Expanded the directory by changing the link bytes in bytes 1 and 2 of the last sector of the directory.

The number of sectors required for a DOS file can be calculated: Sectors = length / 256 + length / 256 / 122

The physical number of sectors required to hold the data is recorded in the first part of the expression. It's 2 bytes higher for a program and 4 bytes higher for a binary file. The second part contains the track/sector information, even when there is no data. Thus, the minimum number of sectors for a file is two.

Random access files, as are all files, are maintained through the track/ sector list at the beginning of the file. DOS:
DOS allocates enough sectors in the track/sector list to access the required sector; however, DOS dosen't allocate any sectors when there hasn't been any data written to the records of that sector.

10 D$ = chr$(4)
20 print D$;"open test, L500"
30 print D$;"write test, R65"
40 print "hello"
50 print D$;"close test"

This program creates;
for a grand total of:

1 sector of data
2 sectors of track/sector list

No data sectors are allocated for records 0 through 64.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012