5208 Protocol Converter: Macintosh Substitute For Dial3X

I use "Dial3X" to access my IBM AS400 via the IBM 5208 protocol converter.

Dial3X is full 5250 emulation using the 5208 FILEXFR protocol. I'm looking for
a Macintosh software solution. Do you know of any software for the Macintosh
that is equal to Dial3X?

The 5208 Protocol Converter provides support for "non-IBM ASCII terminals",
meaning that it supports VT100, and probably other terminal types too.

After you find out which terminals are supported, you can choose from a wide
range of emulators available for the Macintosh, or merely use a VT100 emulator
such as MacTerminal or MicroPhone II. You will also need to verify what kind
of file formats are being used, and what file transfer methods are provided by
the 5208, but one or more of the commonly used generic types of transfer
programs will likely be supported by the 5208 and terminal emulators.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012