Mac OS 8.5: Appearance Control Panel-Changing Smart Scrolling

When I enable the Smart Scrolling feature in the Appearance Control Panel under Mac OS 8.5, I get proportional scroll bars and dual scroll arrows at one end. I only want one of these features.
It is possible to enable either one of these features by writing a simple AppleScript. Sample scripts follow:

1. Open the Script Editor from the AppleScript folder in the AppleExtras folder.

2. Make sure that "Smart Scrolling" is NOT checked on the options tab of the Appearance control panel.


A. To enable dual scroll arrows only, type the following:

tell application "Appearance"

set scroll bar arrow style to both at one end

end tell

B. To enable the proportional scroll bar only, type the following:

tell application "Appearance"

set scroll box style to proportional

end tell

4. Click on "run". If you get an error, check for typographical errors and verify you are running Mac OS 8.5.

5. If there is no error, then the finder windows should now have the new feature. Save the script as a compiled script or application for future use.

To learn more about AppleScript, see AppleScript help in the help center or

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012