Since the associated AppleTalk software is contained within GS/OS for the Apple IIGS computer, start by using the GS/OS Installer to make a GS/OS boot disk. Install the "AppleShare on a 3.5 Disk" script. Once this has installed successfully, select the "AppleShare" script (NOT the "AppleShare on a 3.5 Disk" again) and press the "Remove" button. After this step is finished, select the "AppleTalk ImageWriter" script and press the install button.
This disk will be the boot disk for providing access to the networked ImageWriter. Contained on this disk will be all the needed system files to run both GS/OS applications and ProDOS 8 applications. Chooser.II is not needed because the Graphic Control Panel will be used.
Once the Apple IIGS has booted to the Finder, use the Graphic Control Panel's AT ImageWriter CDEV to select the desired network ImageWriter. This will leave the selected printer stored in RAM for use by AppleTalk protocols. It will also write the selected printer into the CDEV's resource file for use on the next bootup. Thus, if the same printer is desired, it will not need to selected again. Eject (with the drive button) the GS/OS boot disk, insert the AppleWorks disk, and double-click on the AppleWorks application icon. Be sure to specify the correct slot information about the printer within AppleWorks (slot 1 for O3 ROMs or slot 7 for 01 ROMs). AppleWorks will then work as Claris has designed it to work in a one-drive environment. When you exit AppleWorks, the system will return to the Finder.
If this operation is performed with the GS/OS 5.0.2 System.Disk and System.Tools, all the correct versions will be automatically installed.