Mac OS 8.5: Importing Existing Internet Configurations

I am upgrading to Mac OS 8.5 from Mac OS 8.1 which is already setup for accessing the internet through my ISP. Do I have to install and use the Internet Setup Assistant from Mac OS 8.5?
If you are comfortable working with the AppleTalk, TCP/IP, and Modem control panels, you can bypass the Internet Setup Assistant to configure your computer for internet access. If you are not comfortable, Apple recommends that you use the Assistant to get your computer set up.

There are two methods for reconfiguring Mac OS 8.5 for internet access without using the Internet Setup Assistant; re-enter the information from scratch, or export your current configurations and import them back in after the Mac OS 8.5 install.

The following steps will guide you through exporting your current configurations and importing them back in after you upgrade.

Your TCP/IP control panel is now properly configured to access the internet. You will also have to export and import your PPP configuration information. This information will be in the PPP control panel or in the Remote Access control panel depending on if you were using Open Transport PPP or Remote Access to dial your ISP.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012