There was an issue with At Ease that would cause it to occasionally open the wrong application. This has been fixed with At Ease version 5.0.2.
You can download the 5.0.2 update from Article 30864 At Ease 5.0.2 Updater: Read Me, which also contains information on additional fixes to At Ease.
If the aliases still do not function properly after the installation of version 5.0.2, one of the following suggestions should resolve the issue. Try them one at a time in the order shown below.
- Hold down the Command and Option keys while selecting your Panels workgroup. This gives you a dialog that says "Are you sure you want to rebuild the items for the workgroup". Select "Yes".
- From the Finder, throw away the At Ease Items WG 5.0 folder from the workstation, not the server. The At Ease Items WG 5.0 folder is recreated upon the next At Ease login.
- Remove and re-add the applications in At Ease Administration for the Panels workgroup which is opening the wrong application. Then repeat the previous step.