Novell Netware: AARP Packet Size Error Fix Available

I am running AlisaShare and, on another part of the network, Novell File
Servers with Netware 2.15c and the Mac VAP 1.1.

The problem is with the AARP packet size that the Novell file servers are
sending. AlisaShare is reporting an AARP packet size error.

I have checked out the AARP packet sizes with a sniffer. AlisaShare thinks the
only valid AARP size is 60 bytes. Netware is sending AARPs that are 74 bytes
in size. The old versions of Netware (2.15a with Mac VAP 1.0) send ARPs with a
packet size of 60 bytes. They work fine with AlisaShare.

There is a maintenance release of Netware for the Macintosh specifically
designed to resolve the AARP packet length problem. You can get it by calling
Novell Tech Support and asking for maintenance release 1.11 of Netware for the

For more information, search under: "Novell"

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012