Macintosh: 24-bit Image Copying Problem Caused By Heap Space

I'm having trouble copying and pasting between Microsoft PowerPoint and
Solutions International's SmartScrap. I tried to copy several 24-bit images
from the PowerPoint document (they occupy a total of about 2.5MB), but when I
tried to paste them, the first couple pasted OK but the rest didn't, and the
machine hung.

We solved the problem by increasing the system heap space.

Normally the system has a small amount of heap space available. We increased
the space using CE Software's Heapfixer, and all the problems went away.

We also checked with both Solutions International and Microsoft, and neither
was aware of any other conflicts.

Microsoft, however, strongly recommends that anyone using 24-bit graphics in
PowerPoint upgrade to version 2.0.1d.

For more information, search under: "CE Software"

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012