Mac OS X Server 1.2v3: Starting Up on a Power Mac G4 (Gigabit Ethernet) With ADC Display

This article provides instruction on getting Mac OS X Server 1.2v3 to start up on a Power Mac G4 (Gigabit Ethernet) computer when an Apple Display Connector style display, such as the Apple Cinema Display (ADC) or the Apple Studio Display LCD (ADC), is used.

The computer fails to respond or "freezes" at the "Starting Mac OS X Server" screen, before the progress bar is drawn. If starting up the computer in verbose mode, the system fails to respond after init posts a message about an unrecognized option.


For all versions of Mac OS X Server, the mouse must be daisy-chained to the keyboard which must be connected directly to the computer.

Either USB port can be used if using the VGA video connector.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012