1) We are not aware of a product for the Macintosh that provides an interface
to a flat file system such as RMS. Although the capability does exist in
the Data Access Language (formerly CL/1) architecture, it would require
development efforts on the host, since no such host services have been
developed to our knowledge.
One option would be to develop your own environment on the host using
MacWorkStation. Since the interface to the RMS file system is provided
through VMS run time libraries, you could write a MacWorkStation application
that accessed those libraries and presented them on the Macintosh. However,
this would restrict the presentation on the Macintosh to MacWorkStation, and
you would have to use Copy and Paste to transfer the information to other
2) We are not aware of any product for the Macintosh that supports VAX
DATATRIEVE. Please note the VAX DATATRIEVE is a query and report system and
is a uniform access method for data stored by RMS, VAX Rdb, and VAX DBMS
files; it does not have its own file architecture. Programmable softkeys
such as ones provided by PacerLink can be used to program DATATRIEVE
commands. If you are looking for products to access RMS files, then the
answer is the same as in (1) above.
3) According to DEC's Pre-purchase Technical Assistance, VAX DATATRIEVE
version 5.0 will work with VAX Common Data Dictionary/Plus (VAX CDD/Plus
version 4.2) and VAX CDD as long as you run VAX/VMS 5.2 or 5.3.