Modula 2: Available for the Macintosh (6/97)

Is there a Modula 2 vendor for the Macintosh?
We found two sources of Modula-2 Power System-Modula 2 and MetCom Modula-2.

Pecan Software Systems's Power System-Modula 2 is a complete development
environment with powerful programming tools along with a Modula-2 compiler.
Power System-Modula 2 adheres to Wirth's Third Edition, separate compilation of
modules, conditional compilation, nested include files, process
synchronization, sets with up to 4080 elements, access to low-level system
calls, extensive module library (source available) support packages available
(including Pascal to Modula-2 translator, software tools), integratable with
other languages (UCSD Pascal, Fortran-77, BASIC).

MetCom Modula-2 from Metropolis Computer Networks is an integrated Modula-2
development system comprised of a text editor, native code compiler, dynamic
liner and source debugger.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012