To avoid Ethernet performance degradation on a Macintosh IIci, choose from
among these three options:
- Use an EtherTalk NB Revision L card (shipping since December of 1989).
- Do not use on-board video (i.e. use a video card)
- Use only black and white video (1-bit video)
If you're using EtherTalk software, the Ethernet performance can be improved
somewhat by starting the Macintosh IIci in 1-bit video and later switching to
2-bit or more video. This workaround is effective when using EtherTalk
software (AppleTalk), but not MacTCP software (like MacX.)
The Ethernet performance can also be improved somewhat if you start the
Macintosh IIci in LocalTalk and then switch to EtherTalk. This doesn't help
in the MacTCP case, unless you are running MacTCP over EtherTalk, rather
than standard Ethernet.