AppleShare PC: Switching From PostScript to Epson

Are there any DOS batch files that will switch AppleShare PC print services
from PostScript to Epson mode transparently as a pre-defined application is
loaded, and then back again when the application is quit?

(The two applications in question are Smartterm and CrossTalk. Both are being
used for All-in-1 emulation.)

Barring the batch files, do you have any other suggestions. It's unacceptable
to me to have to access the ASPC chooser every time I want to use All-in-1?

The easiest solution would be to establish two connections to the same
LaserWriter. One connection can be set up to use PostScript, and print to LPT2
(or the first available). The second can then be set up to use Epson emulation
and print to LPT3 (or the next available). You would then configure one
application to print to LPT2 and the other to LPT3. (We have done this with
AppleShare PC 2.0 and 2.0.1 and it works fine.)

The connections can be configured from DA to be established automatically on
startup, so that you need only remember that printing to LPT2 uses PostScript
and printing to LPT3 uses Epson emulation.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012