A/UX 2.0: Problem Running rez (9/94)

I am having a problem trying to run rez under A/UX 2.0. I am using the same rez line from a makefile that runs perfectly under A/UX 1.1.

The line under A/UX 1.1 is:

/mac/bin/rez -i /cardinal/cape/HEADER/v4r8m0 -o %test test.r cursor.r

Under A/UX 2.0 Golden, I tried the following:

When using launch, I tried the following commands:

==>> ops_test.pechner /cardinal/cape/APPL/v4r8m0> /mac/bin/launch /mac/bin/rez
-i /:cardinal:cape:HEADER:v4r8m0 -s /:cardinal:cape:HEADER:v4r8m0
-o %test test.r cursor.r

==>>ops_test.pechner /cardinal/cape/APPL/v4r8m0> /mac/bin/launch /mac/bin/rez
-i /cardinal/cape/HEADER/v4r8m0 -s /cardinal/cape/HEADER/v4r8m0
-o %test test.r cursor.r

==>>ops_test.pechner /cardinal/cape/APPL/v4r8m0> /mac/bin/launch /mac/bin/rez
-i /cardinal/cape/HEADER/v4r8m0 -s /cardinal/cape/HEADER/v4r8m0
test.r cursor.r -o %test

==>>ops_test.pechner /cardinal/cape/APPL/v4r8m0> /mac/bin/launch /mac/bin/rez
-o %test test.r cursor.r

These give the following results:

### /mac/bin/rez - OS error -43 (Error message file not available)
during open of "%test".
### /mac/bin/rez - Fatal error trying to open the resource file "%test"
for writing.
### /mac/bin/rez - Fatal Error, can't recover.
### /mac/bin/rez - Since errors occured, Ttest's resource fork was not

Without using launch:

==> /mac/bin/rez
-i /cardinal/cape/HEADER/v4r8m0 -s /cardinal/cape/HEADER/v4r8m0
-o %test test.r cursor.r

I get the following result:

/cardinal/cape/APPL/v4r8m0: No such file or directory
ops_test.pechner /cardinal/cape/APPL/v4r8m0>

What has worked is when I output to the default rez.out and when I specify the full pathname in test.r "#include".

Therefore, rez is not recognizing the options "-i" and "-o". It also must be "launched" to run.

Can you explain?

The man page (the manual command) for rez(1) states that you must be in 32-bit mode and run the command from the command line (without using launch).  You didn't specify the environment you were in when you were trying to run this.

The -o option to rez seems to work fine as long as you don't specify an output filename with a % appended to it.  Rez is supposed to take the name you gave it from the -o option and affixes a % sign to it.

The -s option to rez also seems to be broken, but the -i option (which basically does the same thing) does work correctly.

Otherwise, this problem is currently (as of August, 1990) without a solution.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012