Mac OS X Server 1.x: Printing With Print Manager

Before you can print to a printer, you must create a local or network printer resource.
Before you can print to a printer, you must create a local or network resource. The Administrator password is required to create new printers.

AppleTalk and TCP/IP printing are supported over Ethernet. LocalTalk printing and serial printing to Apple printers is not supported either from Mac OS X Server or from

Setting up a new printer connection

To set up a printer for use across a network, you create a "local" printer (on your computer) and then "export" it (make it available on the network) using the PrintManager application.

To create a new local printer, do the following:

To export a printer:

Print Services

Can I set up an AppleTalk-type (PAP) print server/spooler?

Apple does not include such a capability in Mac OS X Server 1.x. Third-party applications that provide spooler services are available.

For more help with printing, choose "Help" from the Help menu in the Workspace Manager and click on the "Printing" topic.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012