Apple IIGS: Disabling the Control Panel

How can I disable the Control Panel on the Apple IIGS?

The following is Electronic Learning Systems' description of Menu Master, a
product that provides a way to disable the Apple IIGS Control Panel. For
further information on ELS, search the Technical Information Library on

"Menu Master is a simple menu system for the Apple II. It allows creation of
customized menus and sub-menus to launch all ProDOS, GS/OS, and DOS 3.3
applications. Menu Master provides automatic pathfinding, simplifying the need
to understand or manually set ProDOS paths. Menu Master has password
protection, is mouse-compatible, and displays the time and date from any ProDOS
clock. A utility feature enables or disables the Apple IIGS Control Panel.

"DOS 3.3 programs can now be launched and returned from, within the ProDOS
operating system. DOS 3.3 software developers now have the ability to run DOS
3.3 programs on AppleShare or any ProDOS-specific environment.

"Any Apple II with 128K of memory and an 80-column display can now organize,
launch and return from ProDOS, GS/OS, and DOS 3.3 applications with Menu
Master. Apple IIc Plus systems can have 3.5-inch diskettes created with DOS
3.3 programs that will run on their computers.

"The network version of Menu Master is compatible with all Apple II networks
including AppleShare, Corvus, ELAN, VELAN, and DIGICARD. Menu Master provides
all the features of Apple's Aristotle program when used on AppleShare, but
requires no memory expansion and can launch DOS 3.3 applications."

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012