United Data Corporation has announced a product that facilitates this
process: ALAC (Any Language, Any Computer).
ALAC is a MacWorkStation-compliant MS-DOS application server that runs under
MS Windows. A PC running ALAC responds to the same protocol messages as a
Macintosh running MacWorkStation. This lets you build applications while
your users remain on familiar hardware. You can use COBOL, Fortran, C,
BASIC, or APL. Any computer that can run Windows can also run ALAC.
ALAC provides access to a graphical user interface. Programmers not familiar
with Windows and the Macintosh can build applications for these
environments, with full access to and control of dialog boxes, menus, and
Single-user versions of ALAC are available through United Data or through
APDA. Site licenses are available through United Data. For further
information on United Data Corporation or APDA, search the Tech Info
Library for the name.