iMovie 1.0: Speed of Movie Seems to Slow Down During Cross Dissolves

If you use a cross dissolve in iMovie 1.0, you may notice that the motion seems to slow down during the dissolve, then return to normal speed when the dissolve is complete.

When you playback a movie with cross dissolves, the motion seems to slow down during the dissolve, then returns to normal speed when the dissolve is complete.


Download and install iMovie 1.0.2 update, which is available from .

In iMovie 1.0, when you select Cross Dissolve from the Transition Palette, there will be a slight decrease in speed for the footage to which the cross-dissolve is applied. With the time slider in the Transition Palette, you can determine how long the dissolve will be.

The Cross Dissolve transition in iMovie 1.0 was designed to maintain the overall length of the sequence, so that transitions applied at the beginning of a movie don't affect any synchronization of audio and video you may have done at other points in the timeline after the transition.

Users have requested the ability to have the option of using both slow- and normal-speed Cross Dissolves. This feature is incorporated into iMovie 1.0.1 and later.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012