QuickTime 4.1: Issue With QTVR Hotspots

There is a potential issue with QuickTime 4.1 where URL hotspots embedded in QuickTime VR movies no longer work.
Note: This issue is addressed with QuickTime 4.1.1. Find more information on QuickTime 4.1.1 at http://www.apple.com/quicktime/.

URL links that rely on the "Hotspot" parameter of an embed tag do not work with QuickTime 4.1. URL links originally authored as URL hotspots work correctly.

Here are some workarounds that may be helpful to developers

1. If your movie does not include hotspots with neighboring ids (which is the case with most movies made with QTVRAS) you can double-up your hotspot parameters in the embed tag:

would become:

This will work with QuickTime 4.1.1, 4.1, and older versions.

2. If this does not work for your content, you may need to modify or re-author your movies. If you have the source files in the authoring tool's format you can modify and re-make the files.

Also, VRTools' application "ConVRter" allows you to change a hotspot's type to "URL" and/or edit its URL string. ConVRter is available from http://www.vrtools.com.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012