When you click the Effects, Import, or Burn tabs in the iTunes Preferences panel, an alert box with this message appears:
"The application preferences could not be displayed because there isn't enough memory available. Try quitting other running applications or quit iTunes and increase its preferred memory setting."
The iTunes music library can list approximately 32 000 songs. If you have a lot of songs and experience slow performance, if you use iPod, or if alerts like the one above appear, follow these steps:
- Quit open applications that you are not using to make more memory available to iTunes.
- Increase iTunes preferred memory setting:
1. Quit iTunes, if necessary.
2. Select the iTunes application program icon.
3. Choose Get Info from the File menu.
4. Choose Memory from the Show pop-up menu.
5. Make the Preferred memory larger, and close the window.
6. Repeat step 5 if alerts continue to appear.