A/UX 2.0: Various Issues

Can you help me with these A/UX 2.0 questions and problems?

1) "adb" does not seem to work. Therefore, I cannot debug my program. We have
ordered MacsBug.

2) When using "sfgetfile" and "sfputfile," why is my home directory in "/"? It
creates bad pathnames when I try to get something from


The path I get from "sfgetfile" is


3) When I log in to A/UX after it says that it is starting "session for mgb",
it clears the screen. Is this correct?

4) If I am "mgb" and I do a "df" disk free command, I get different values from
when I am the "root". Try these next lines:

% df
xxx xxx xxx xxx
% su
# df
yyy yyy yyy yyy #

where x and y are different by about 10000 blocks.

1) Use MacsBug version 6.2 or later.

2) The reason for this behavior is that under A/UX you have a virtual root that
  is accessible by all users (one at a time).  A/UX 2.0 puts your personal
  user directory onto the desktop so that you see it when you log in.  To do
  this, the Finder has "to play some games" with the UNIX file system to make
  this seem like what the Finder expects.  Folders on the desktop are at the
  root level under the Macintosh OS, so we had to try to emulate that behavior
  under A/UX.  This is why your path to your home directory appears as "/".
  It may be more proper from a UNIX standpoint to map the directory to its
  real location, but if you need that functionality use "open" or "fopen"
  instead of "sfgetfile".

3) No, that's not the correct behavior.  Check the contents of your .login

4) A/UX now uses the Berkeley file system.  As "root" you have no limitations
  on its use, as a normal user, there is a 10% overhead attached to each

  partition that is not available to a normal user.  This prevents unnecessary
  disk thrashing if the partitions become full.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012