Super Serial Card: Manual Errata (12/96)

Listed below are corrections to the Super Serial Card Owner's manual.

Page 5
The second paragraph under "Preparing the SSC for Printer Mode" should read:

If the triangle on the jumper is pointing toward the word "Modem", remove the block, using an IC Extractor if necessary, then carefully reinsert it so the triangle is pointing towards the word "Terminal"."

Page 13
The example for Applesoft BASIC should read:

Applesoft BASIC: Print CHR$(9); "command"

Page 21
The second paragraph under "Preparing the SSC for Communication Mode" should read:

If the triangle on the jumper is pointing down toward the word "Terminal", remove the block, using an IC Extractor if necessary, then carefully reinsert it so the triangle is pointing toward the word "Modem"."

Page 36
The last two lines of the paragraph titled "A Terminal Mode Example" should read:

"...BASIC program to an Applesoft program, substitute CHR$(4) for D$, and CHR$(1) for A$. Leave out program lines 40 and 42."

Page 54
In the section that starts "$C08A+s0 Command", bit 1 of the Command Register should be set to 0 to enable the receiver to cause interrupts.

Article Change History:
16 Dec 1996 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, revised formatting.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012