Page 8...The UPIC's pin 9 should connect to pin 24 on the IDS printers
instead of to pin 12, as shown in Table 2-1.
Page 9...The note located next to the pointing hand symbol reads "Version 4.0
of the Utilities Diskette". This is referring to the current version of the
System Utilities Diskette.
Page 27...Paragraph 3, third line should read "Output, Apple B sets..."
Page 30...The end of the third line under the heading "CTRLWRD" should read
"negative; that is, it's clocked on the falling edge where 0V is "low"."
Page 30...In the last paragraph, the third and fourth lines should read:
"When the receiving program reads a carriage return character, it should
write a carriage". The Get statement returns a one character string equal
to CHR$(13) if it receives a carriage return.
Page 41...The first line of the listing just below the middle of the page
should read:
STA PORTA,Y ;Place character in Port A
Page 48...The first line under "Toggle the Linefeed Switch (K)" should
read: "If the Printer L.F. switch on the UPIC is set to AUTO, the K...".
Page 48...The paragraph just above the "eye" symbol should read: "When the
Printer L.F. switch is in the Norm position, this command has no effect."
Reference Card - Printer Mode
The CTRL-I command sequence for TAB mode in BASIC is:
Implement BASIC tabs T E
Do not implement BASIC tabs T D