By using the "ps" command, you can determine if all the NFS daemons necessary for an NFS server are running.
1) Log on to the system as "root".
2) Enter the line: ps -ef
3) If all the necessary daemons are running, you should find these lines
within the output:
root 98 1 0 09:42:27? 0:00 /etc/portmap
root 100 100 0 09:42:28? 0:00 /etc/nfsd 4
root 102 100 0 09:42:29? 0:00 /etc/nfsd 4
root 103 100 0 09:42:29? 0:00 /etc/nfsd 4
root 104 100 0 09:42:29? 0:00 /etc/nfsd 4
root 116 1 0 09:42:37? 0:00 /etc/inetd
The above lines may not appear together, and the numbers in the columns may differ on your system.
If you don't have the nfsd 4 lines appear, you may try the following procedure to start the /etc/biod daemon.
1) Log on as "root".
2) Edit the file /etc/inittab
3) Enter these changes:
- Change this line: nfs4:2:off:/etc/biod 4
- To this line: nfs4:2:wait:/etc/biod 4
- Change this line: nfs8:2:off:/etc/mount -at nfs > /dev/syscon 2>&1
- To this line: nfs8:2:once:/etc/mount -at nfs > /dev/syscon 2>&1
4) Now, when your system is booted into multi-user mode, the daemon will
automatically be started.
Article Change History:
06 Sep 1994 - Reviewed.
31 Aug 1994 - Reviewed.
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