A/UX: How to Use showmount

How do I use showmount?

The "showmount" command lists remotely mounted or exported file systems.
The showmount command executed with no options lists the systems which have
file systems remotely mounted from your system. Here is some example output
from "showmount":


This output tells us that the systems "my_system_name" and "grumpy" have
partitions mounted from your system.

The showmount command has three options:

"-d" This option displays a list of the directories being remotely mounted
from your system.

"-e" Prints a list of exported file systems.

"-a" Displays a list of hosts/remotely mounted directories sorted by

By using the "-a" option with the /usr/etc/showmount command, you can get a
list of directories remotely-mounted from your system, sorted by the
hostnames on which they are mounted.

Example output from the command line "showmount -a":


This example shows that the system "machen" has the "/" and "/users" partition
mounted on his system while the system "redpony" has "/usr" and "/usr/catman"
remotely mounted.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012