NFS file servers use the /etc/exports file to control which file systems can
be mounted by which systems on the network. Entries in /etc/exports specify a
file system name that can be remotely mounted. The file system name is left
justified and may be followed by a list of hostnames or netgroup names
separated by spaces or tab characters.
If a hostname or netgroup name follows the file system name, export
permissions are limited to the host(s) or netgroup(s) specified. Otherwise,
it is open to everyone.
A number sign (#) anywhere on a line begins a comment that remains in effect
to the end of the line.
An example /etc/exports file could look like:
/usr/catman my_system_name
In this example, the "/" partition is exported to any system on the network.
The "/usr/catman" partition, however, is only exported to the system named