A/UX: The "nobody" Login Account (9/94)

Article Last Reviewed: 6 September 1994

How do I modify /etc/passwd for NFS? What's the "nobody" login account for?

The /etc/passwd file must contain a login account for "nobody".

Enter the line: grep nobody /etc/passwd

The response should be:


If this line does not appear, modify the /etc/passwd file to include it. This account is used by NFS to disallow root access via NFS.

For system security reasons, the super-user does not have access permissions on remote file systems. This is implemented by mapping UID 0 ("root") to UID 65534 (unsigned representation of -2 in 2's complement notation) on all NFS client systems. The super-user on an NFS client has the same permissions as a user with the UID -2.

The login account "nobody" has the UID 65534 (-2).

Article Change History:
06 Sep 1994 - Reviewed.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012