The Key Caps desk accessory is used to show the current keyboard mapping -
that is, which keys correspond to which characters. It is especially useful for
showing the characters accessed by the Option key, which are not typically
displayed on the keyboard itself. The Key Caps menu, available when the DA is
open, allows you to select and view any font available in your system. Key Caps
can also be used to "type" characters into the Key Caps desk accessory using
the mouse to click on letters. The characters can then be copied and pasted
into another application if your keyboard is broken or inaccessible.
To print the Key Caps layout take a snapshot of the screen and print it.
Search on "Screen Dump" for more information. It's not possible to screen dump
the keys displayed on the Key Caps screen when the option key is pressed down.
If you want a printout of the characters produced when pressing the option key,
type them into an application, such as MacWrite or MacPaint, then print using
the print dialog box.
To display all the characters in a given font, use ResEdit or the simple
MS-BASIC program below.
10 c = 32
15 l = 0
20 Print CHR$(c);
25 c = c +1
30 l = l +1
35 If c > 255 Then End
40 If l < 50 Then 20
45 Print
50 Goto 15
This program prints the default (Geneva 12-point) key caps to the default
screen. Add the following lines to your program to print other fonts and sizes
contained on the BASIC disk:
5 CALL TEXTFONT (typeface)
--0 is system font, 2 is New York, etc.; refer to the Microsoft BASIC
--9, 12, 14 or whatever sizes are on the disk.