Printing: High-Volume Solutions from Printronix

My company does high-volume printing (about 50,000 pages a month). Do you have
a solution fthat can handle this volume? The printer should be a 300 to 400
lpm printer. Can you help?

We have seen Printronix P300-XQ and P600-XQ line printers working with
Macintosh computers. This particular configuration used a serial-to-parallel
converter to attach the Macintosh serial port to the parallel port of the
Printronix. An ImageWriter driver with "Draft" selected was used as the
printer driver. Again, this is not a support solution although it seems to

An alternative (although still unsupported) could include any mini/mainframe
line printer that works with ASCII-based systems and a printer driver
construction set, from DataPak Software, called Printer Interface II. Printer
Interface II lets the user customize several aspects of the printer driver
providing a method to send the correct printer control codes to the
mini/mainframe line printer.

The Printronix P300-XQ does 300 to 400 lpm. The Printronix P600-XQ does 600 to
800 lpm. The lower numbers represent compressed printing; the higher numbers
represent standard draft mode.

For more details, search the Technical Info library under "Printronix" and
"DataPak Software"

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012