Canon Fax to Macintosh Connectivity Solution (11/94)

I'm trying to interface my Canon Laser Fax machines models L770 and L920 to a Macintosh II. The Canon machines feature RS-232 interfaces. Has anyone heard of Fax software for the Macintosh that lets these machines work with a Macintosh?

We don't know of any Fax software that lets you interface a Macintosh with a Canon laser printer/Fax machine. Some manufacturers that design Fax machines license their interfaces to other Fax manufacturers. If the Canon laser printer/Fax machine was designed to interface to a computer, and if the interfacing logic is similar to an existing Fax machine, perhaps some existing software for another Fax machine might also work with the Canon laser printer/Fax.

Some third-party products support fax machines that use interfaces similar to the TE Fax (Relisys), AppleFax (Apple Computer), Flex Fax (Circuit Research), Orchid Modem (Orchid), and ProModem (Promethus Products). However, we don't know of any specific software available for the Macintosh that lets you interface to this product from Canon.

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Article Change History:
28 Nov 1994 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.
02 Sep 1993 - Removed reference to BackFax as company is out of business.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012