We verified that neither the /usr/bin/daiw command (and its associated fonts
/usr/lib/font/deviw/*) nor the /mac/bin/settc program is present in the
released version of A/UX 2.0. Manual pages for settc (1) and daiw(1) are
still available though.
The missing "settc" had been reported by others; "settc" has been replaced
by the "setfile" command in the /mac/bin directory in A/UX 2.0. However,
there is no manual page entry for "setfile". According to A/UX Engineering,
the "setfile" command syntax is the same as MPW:
setfile [options] file
options include:
-a attributes # attributes (lowercase = 0, uppercase = 1)
-c creator # file creator
-d date # creation date (mm/dd/yy [hh:mm[:ssIIAM|PM]])
-l h,v # ICON location (horizontal, vertical)
-m date # modification date (mm/dd/yy [hh:mm[:ssIIAM|PM]])
-t type # file type
Note: Period (.) represents the current date and time.
The following attributes may be used with the -a option:
L Locked
V Invisible
B Bundle
S System
I Inited
D Desktop
M Shared (can run multiple times)
A Always switch launch (if possible)