On the Macintosh side, for the MacX server to work properly, the Macintosh should be installed and configured with MacX, MacTCP, and CommToolbox. You should have the MacTCP tool in the Communication Folder within the System Folder. On the VAX site, if the DECwindows client is running under VMS, you need to get the "PATHWORKS for Macintosh" software from DEC, which includes some fonts and communications tools for both Macintosh OS and VAX/VMS. If the VAX is running under Ultrix or UNIX, no special files are needed, because TCP/IP transport is usually supported in UNIX OS.
Note: The READ ME file that comes with the MacX lists a few known problems/reasons/solutions for MacX and X11 client applications and troubleshooting tips.
Article Change History:
30 Jan 1995 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.
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