Macintosh Communications Toolbox: Wyse Terminal Emulation

I'm looking for a supplier of terminal emulation software that will do the Wyse 50 type terminal. Our N&C Product manager tells me that the Wyse is a superset of the VT102 emulation, but I don't think the VT102 has enough functionality.

I'm thinking about the Macintosh Communications Toolbox as a route to supply this requirement. Can I get the technical details required to assess how difficult it will be to provide the appropriate communications tools to emulate the Wyse?

Mainstay hasn't distributed their Telescape terminal emulation software for awhile. So, unless you already have a copy and want to invest development effort into a discontinued product, this probably isn't the development environment for you. We don't know of any other third parties that offer a Wyse terminal emulator, even one where you have to write a script like with Telescape.

However, the Macintosh Communications Toolbox may be the ideal development tool for you. There is a Macintosh Communications Toolbox folder on the Apple Developer Web page on the internet at:

Here you'll find general Macintosh Communications Toolbox information. This includes product information, common questions and answers relating to the Communications Toolbox, tools and sample code, listings of third-party products that support the Communications Toolbox, and ongoing discussions on the Comm Toolbox. More technical details are found in the "Macintosh Communications Toolbox," and the "Communications Tools, Basic Connectivity Set" packages from APDA.

A more straightforward solution is to use another terminal emulator, if possible; many hosts will support VT100, VT52 or other terminals. Perhaps emulating another terminal will give you the capabilities you require.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012